To create an Automata, provide InitialRules, optional StateRules, and RunningRules.
Grid of the Cellular Automata
Iteration Number of the Simulation
Upper Bound of iteration
Number of milliseconds between updates
State Rules of the Cellular Automaton
Whether the simulation is running
Helper function that calculates the total Weight from InitCell Array
total Sum of all the weights
Helper Function that Evaluates the StateRules in order to determine the next state of a certain Cell
Cell that is being examined
Cell to replace prev
Generates a Grid based on InitialRules
Whether to fill based on rules or defaultCell
tempGrid which is always decoupled from the Automata Object
Helper Function that calculates total neighbor count as well as Type and Quantity of neighbors
Record of Neighbors and Count as well as Total Count
Helper function that randomly selects a Cell based on weight from calculateTotalWeight
Sum of all the weights
Cell that falls under the weight's category
Prints iteration as well as String Representation of the Grid
Run the simulation based on RunningRules
Sleep Utility Function
Updates the Grid and iteration
Default Blank State that can be modified
See Options for more details
Cellular Automata Class containing all logic to update and display the Grid